Druid installation
Please note this is not Official documentation and prepared as I am exploring these tools. If you see any issue or any missing content please feel free to correct and create a pull request or you can reach to me on [email protected]. Thank you!
Installation of Apache Druid
Update Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt update -y & sudo apt upgrade -y
Druid needs java installed if java does not exists install it using you can check java using
java -version
commandsudo apt install default-jre
Create app directory for Druid
sudo mkdir /app sudo chown user /app cd /app
To download Druid go to https://dlcdn.apache.org/druid/ open the latest directory. Currently while writing this documentation it is 30.0.1. right click on the file with name bin.tar.gz and click copy as link. Replace the url in following code.
wget https://dlcdn.apache.org/druid/30.0.1/apache-druid-30.0.1-bin.tar.gz -o druid.tgz tar -xvzf druid.tgz
The above command will download and druid kafka into druid folder. Don’t forget to replace this url otherwise you might face 404 not found if newer versions are updated.
To start druid simply run following command