Alerts and Reports
Alerts and Reports With Superset
Chromium headless or firefox is necessary to get alerts and reports running as expected as well Celery Redis Should be installed and configured. We have documentation you can refer to [Chromium Configuration] and [apache-superset/configuration/celery-workers--beat/] Thank you!
To get Alerts and reports working. We need SMTP creds, and chrome or firefox should be installed. For this tutorial I am using chrome.
In Superset Config file i.e.
if you already haveFEATURE_FLAGS
then add"ALERT_REPORTS": True
it should look something like shown below. If you don’t have just copy entire thing and put it
Your config file should look something like this
from celery.schedules import crontab FEATURE_FLAGS = { "ALERT_REPORTS": True } REDIS_HOST = "superset_cache" REDIS_PORT = "6379" class CeleryConfig: broker_url = f"redis://{REDIS_HOST}:{REDIS_PORT}/0" imports = ( "superset.sql_lab", "superset.tasks.scheduler", ) result_backend = f"redis://{REDIS_HOST}:{REDIS_PORT}/0" worker_prefetch_multiplier = 10 task_acks_late = True task_annotations = { "sql_lab.get_sql_results": { "rate_limit": "100/s", }, } beat_schedule = { "reports.scheduler": { "task": "reports.scheduler", "schedule": crontab(minute="*", hour="*"), }, "reports.prune_log": { "task": "reports.prune_log", "schedule": crontab(minute=0, hour=0), }, } CELERY_CONFIG = CeleryConfig SCREENSHOT_LOCATE_WAIT = 100 SCREENSHOT_LOAD_WAIT = 600 # Slack configuration SLACK_API_TOKEN = "xoxb-" # Email configuration SMTP_HOST = "" # change to your host SMTP_PORT = 2525 # your port, e.g. 587 SMTP_STARTTLS = True SMTP_SSL_SERVER_AUTH = True # If your using an SMTP server with a valid certificate SMTP_SSL = False SMTP_USER = "your_user" # use the empty string "" if using an unauthenticated SMTP server SMTP_PASSWORD = "your_password" # use the empty string "" if using an unauthenticated SMTP server SMTP_MAIL_FROM = "[email protected]" EMAIL_REPORTS_SUBJECT_PREFIX = "[Superset] " # optional - overwrites default value in of "[Report] " # WebDriver configuration # If you use Firefox, you can stick with default values # If you use Chrome, then add the following WEBDRIVER_TYPE and WEBDRIVER_OPTION_ARGS WEBDRIVER_TYPE = "chrome" WEBDRIVER_OPTION_ARGS = [ "--force-device-scale-factor=2.0", "--high-dpi-support=2.0", "--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--disable-dev-shm-usage", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox", "--disable-extensions", ] # This is for internal use, you can keep http WEBDRIVER_BASEURL = "http://superset:8088" # When running using docker compose use "http://superset_app:8088' # This is the link sent to the recipient. Change to your domain, e.g. WEBDRIVER_BASEURL_USER_FRIENDLY = "http://localhost:8088"
Restart Superset using (assuming you have service and has same name as mine i.e. superset)
sudo systemctl restart superset
Any Question? Feel free to mail me on [email protected]