Beautifying Table

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Beautifying Table visual in Apache Superset

Beautified Apache Superset Table

Concatinating multiple Columns into single cell as rows and column

    "<div style='display:flex; align-items:center;'>",
    "<img src='' alt='Person Icon' style='width:32px; height:32px; margin-right:8px;'>",
    "<div style='display:flex; flex-direction:column;'>",
    "<span style='font-weight:800; font-size:12px;'>",
    "<span style='font-size:12px;'>INV-",

Adding pill shaped background-color

    "<div style='display:inline-block; padding:4px 8px; border-radius:12px; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:white; ",
        WHEN "Payment Status" = 'Paid' THEN "background-color:#EEF7EF;color:#8EC0AD;"
        WHEN "Payment Status" = 'Partial Paid' THEN "background-color:#F1F0FC;color:#6B70B7;"
        WHEN "Payment Status" = 'Unpaid' THEN "background-color:#F8EEED;color:#D98885;"
        ELSE "background-color:#F8EEED;"
    "Payment Status",

CSS For table customization


#chart-id-14 > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr{
    background-color: #fff;

.table>caption+thead>tr:first-child>td, .table>caption+thead>tr:first-child>th, .table>colgroup+thead>tr:first-child>td, .table>colgroup+thead>tr:first-child>th, .table>thead:first-child>tr:first-child>td, .table>thead:first-child>tr:first-child>th{

Chat GPT Prompt

You can modify following ChatGPT prompt to generate html code that you can use directly in column

Using SQL, generate HTML code to create a pill-shaped background for a selected column. Please follow the syntax of the provided example, which combines strings using CONCAT, and extend it to create a pill-shaped background with a specified color and padding. For instance, if the selected column is 'Payment Status', the generated HTML code should resemble: CONCAT('<div style="background-color: #<color>; border-radius: 10px; padding: 5px; width: auto;">', 'Payment Status', '</div>'). Provide the SQL code that can be used to generate this HTML code.
Output of above prompt is:

Here is the SQL code to generate the desired HTML code for creating a pill-shaped background for the Payment Status column. This example uses the CONCAT function to construct the HTML string:

        '<div style="background-color: #',
            WHEN "Payment Status" = 'Paid' THEN '28a745' -- Green for Paid
            WHEN "Payment Status" = 'Pending' THEN 'ffc107' -- Yellow for Pending
            WHEN "Payment Status" = 'Overdue' THEN 'dc3545' -- Red for Overdue
            ELSE '6c757d' -- Gray for Unknown
        '; border-radius: 10px; padding: 5px; width: auto; display: inline-block;">',
        "Payment Status",
    ) AS "Payment Status HTML"
FROM your_table_name;


  1. CONCAT: Combines strings into a single HTML string.
  2. CASE Statement: Dynamically sets the background color based on the value of the Payment Status column.
  3. Inline Styling:
    • background-color: Dynamically set using the CASE statement.
    • border-radius: 10px: Creates the pill shape by rounding the corners.
    • padding: 5px: Adds space inside the pill.
    • width: auto: Ensures the width adjusts based on the text.
    • display: inline-block: Ensures proper inline alignment for the pill.
  4. Output: Generates a styled <div> element for each row in the Payment Status column.

Replace your_table_name with the actual name of your table. You can adjust the colors in the CASE statement to match your design preferences.