
Creating and deploying Apache Superset’s customized docker image

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Steps For youtube

  1. To create custom docker image lets clone superset’s github Repo using following command. To reduce time and resources we will only clone till depth 1 and for this tutorial I am selecting 4.0 branch.

    git clone --depth=1 -b 4.0
  2. Let’s move to directory

    cd superset
  1. Create a dir I am calling it to_be_copied and create following directory structure in it

    - to_be_copied_into_assets
        - {your_project_}images
            - logo.png
            - favicon.png  
  2. Open Dockerfile find WORKDIR /app for me it is on line 65 (In future it might change). Add following code below it

    COPY --chown=superset:superset to_be_copied_into_assets /app/superset/static/assets
  3. Creating docker image using following command

    docker build -t shan-superset .
  4. Need to do few changes to get our image running open docker-compose-non-dev.yml and change image name to shan-superset

  5. Once done lets try to run it using

    docker compose -f docker-compose-non-dev.yml up
  6. Check the logs and check if everything is running fine you can use -d flag as shown below.

    docker compose -f docker-compose-non-dev.yml up -d