Installing Keycloak with OpenJDK for production env with PostgreSQL in Ubuntu/Debian


Make sure your machine or container platform can provide sufficient memory and CPU for your desired usage of Keycloak. See Concepts for sizing CPU and memory resources for more on how to get started with production sizing.

  1. Install openjdk 21 using

    sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk
  2. Lets create a directory for Keycloak.

     sudo mkdir /app
     sudo chown user /app
     cd /app
     mkdir keycloak
     cd keycloak
  3. Download and extract Keycloak’s latest version from Keycloak here. You can use following command to download and extract it.

    tar -xvzf keycloak-25.0.2.tar.gz
  4. After extracting this file, you should have a directory that is named keycloak-[your_version_here]. Let’s rename it to Keycloak.

    mv keycloak-25.0.2 keycloak
    rm keycloak-25.0.2.tar.gz

    Now our setup is ready, lets move to creating configuration.

  5. Running Keycloak
    Option 1 To get Keycloak running with SSL

    1. Lets create dir and certificates
      mkdir certs
      cd certs
      openssl genrsa -out keycloak.key 2048
      openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key keycloak.key -out keycloak.crt -days 365
    2. Now go back to keycloak dir
      cd ..
    3. Start server command (You can test it but skip it for now)
      bin/ start --https-certificate-file=/app/keycloak/certs/keycloak.crt  --https-certificate-key-file=/app/keycloak/certs/keycloak.key --hostname

    Option 2 To get Keycloak running without SSL
    To run Keycloak without SSL (If you want to break your SSL on gateway or CDN and internal VNET or VPC routing can be without SSL)

    1. Start server (You can test it but skip it for now)
      bin/ start --hostname-strict false --proxy-headers forwarded --http-enabled true
  6. Above will start server but we have not configured databases. To run keycloak with desired configuration we will create script using following command

    chmod +x
  7. Add following code in it

    export KC_DB=postgres
    export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin
    export KC_DB_URL="jdbc:postgresql://"
    export KC_DB_USERNAME=postgres
    export KC_DB_PASSWORD=password
    #bin/ start --hostname-strict false --proxy-headers forwarded --http-enabled true
    #--https-certificate-file=/app/keycloak/certs/keycloak.crt  --https-certificate-key-file=/app/keycloak/certs/keycloak.key  
  8. Now you might have noticed we have two lines commented in the file above. According to your requirement uncomment run script.

    1. If SSL is required then uncomment last line change domain.
    2. If SSL is not required then uncomment second last line.
  9. Run the script using following command ./

  10. To create service so that keycloak will start as soon as server reboots. To create service use following command Lets create service called keycloak using following command

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/keycloak.service

    paste following code in it

    Description = keycloak Webserver Daemon
    After =
    PIDFile = /app/keycloak/keycloak-webserver.PIDFile
    WorkingDirectory = /app/keycloak
    ExecStart = /app/keycloak/
    ExecStop = /bin/kill -s TERM $MAINPID
  11. once copied run following command to enable and start service

    systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable keycloak.service
    sudo systemctl start keycloak.service

YEY! Your production keycloak Server is Up and runningā€¦